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29 Oct

Budget 2021: dividend rate rises by 1.25%

In the Budget, the rates for dividend tax rises were confirmed from the new tax year in April 2022 to fund the social care levy,…
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25 Oct

How dividend tax rise hits small business owners

Some of the pros and cons of individuals paying themselves dividends from their company, as well as the risks involved The government’s recent announcement that…
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HMRC warning on risk of tax avoidance via umbrella companies

HMRC has updated its guidance for companies using temporary labour to reduce the risk of using an umbrella company that uses tax avoidance schemes Some…
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12 Oct

Taxing cryptoassets: what you need to know

Holders of cryptoassets need to be aware of the tax implications, whether they are trading or mining. Here’s the latest HMRC guidance Bitcoin is probably…
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11 Oct
how to keep your mental health

How to keep your mental health in check

This World Mental Health Day, advises how best to keep your mental health in check during uncertain times Facing the so-called ‘winter of discontent’ can…
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16 Sep

Motoring expenses part 1 – recovering VAT on car purchases

Company car purchases fall under specific VAT rules which determine whether the liability can be reclaimed and strict business use only limits. Sarah Kay, technical…
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

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